Behind-the-scenes and in-depth with Rush Hour Concerts at St. James Cathedral

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Spotlight on Chuck, Head Usher

Every Tuesday afternoon, as audience members stream into St. James Cathedral to enjoy refreshments and the concert, Chuck is waiting on the steps with a smile and handshake, a kind word and a twinkle in his eye. He has been active in the church for almost 40 years, and is a former Warden of the Cathedral. He initially heard about Rush Hour Concerts through the church, started attending four years ago, and has served as our head usher for several seasons.

A graduate of Lake Forest College, Chuck is retired from the American Veterinary Medical Association, where he worked in development for many years. He currently consults for the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society headquatered in San Antonio, TX, making the world just a bit safer for animals and pets. He enjoys the attention and awareness that Rush Hour brings to the church, and is pleased with the result of all hard work from the staffs and artists to increase our visibility and community involvement. Next time Chuck welcomes you, thank him for all his hard work!


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