Behind-the-scenes and in-depth with Rush Hour Concerts at St. James Cathedral

Friday, August 25, 2006

Spotlight on Kristin Lunardini, Marketing Guru

Kristin has been attending and promoting Rush Hour since 2002. She works for DickinsonGroup, which has provided public relations and marketing counsel for Rush Hour Concerts since its inception, and has managed the account for three years. Her hobbies include reading (and rereading old favorites!), baking (recently mastered banana butterscotch cupcakes), rooting for the Pittsburgh Steelers, and traveling—she just returned from Costa Rica and travels to Europe at least once a year.

A firm believer in volunteering, Kristin is getting ready for another year of tutoring with the Cabrini Green Tutoring Program. She enjoys working with Rush Hour staff as part of her job, and believes in the mission. “To appreciate classical music—and the series—all you need is an open mind. To me, it’s about checking any pre-conceived notions at the door and ‘letting go’ to the experience.”


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